Celebrity Famous Threesome Couple PJS and YMA Named

Three Court of Appeal judges lifted the injunction on Monday – however, the stars at the center of the case cannot be named as the man wants to take it to the Supreme Court.

Threesome celebrity Dad named

YMA and PJS were almost “outted” Monday, April 18. 2016 in court. 
Judges say an injunction barring the media from naming a celebrity who is alleged to have engaged in “extramarital activities” can be lifted.

I wonder which “man” is the main guy in charge of wanting to keep this injunction gag order in place?

‘Celebrity threesome’ injunction should be lifted, say appeal judges.

Judges lift ban on celebrity couple being named – but stars names STILL can’t be revealed

Appeal judges Lord Justice Jackson, Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Simon analysed News Group Newspapers’ challenge on Friday

Celebrity needs to lodge his application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court by 10am on Tuesday

Ban to remain in place for two more days to allow the celebrity, known only as PJS, to mount legal challenge, rules court.
I have to wonder what this is really about now. Does anyone care about the couple and what happened with them? After a week of writing about it,
I seriously never want to type the word “threesome” or PJS, which I keep typing in as PSJ,  again. This is usually not my kind of story. The only reason I wrote about it is I was reading about this for a month and one day I got mad and said to myself, “for heavens sake, who the heck is this anyway!”?
I started digging around and finally twitter revealed who it was.  Little did I know when I published my findings a week ago, this story was about to blow up on them darn internets.  🙂 

Celebrity Famous Threesome Couple can be namedOne of the papers said that now this may bring back the superinjunction. That is where the if someone gets that , no information at all is released about it. I guess with this injunction, it said it was anonymous, but someone famous. That tipped off the bloodhounds and off to the celebrity gossip digging and ripping to shreds we merrily watched the press go.

UK Parliament Wants To Force Google And Other Search Engine To Censor Its Search Results

Posted on Mar 28 2012 –  The Editorial Team
his story was way back in 2012.  I will say Europe is much better than America about privacy and what can go online and your rights. We have none of that protection here at all.

This story now has me researching privacy rules and other things I feel we all have a right too, even if you are famous.
With the internet there is no putting that genie back in the bottle.

PJS and YMA celebrity injunction lifted

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