Walking 10,000 steps a day to lose weight -Valerie Bertinelli

I just finished reading Valerie Valerie Bertinelli book “Losing it and gaining my life back one pound at a time.”
She talks about walking and my friends have all gone nuts with their fitbit gadgets now.


I enjoyed it. She writes in a friendly conversational manner.

The one thing that really stuck out for me was when she talked about her Jenny Craig Diet plan and how she had to walk 10,000 steps a day and use a Pedometer.
I have been meaning to get one those and track how many steps on the treadmill I am walking.
I just bought one from Amazon that has over 1800 reviews and 4 stars!
That has to be good. In a quest to burn the extra calories, walking seems to be the easiest way.
Experts have revealed that walking 10,000 steps a day can help you drop those unwanted pounds faster than just about any other method of weight loss.
Not only that walking will also help you keep the weight off for a longer period of time as it builds your muscles while keeping your heart at a fat-burning rate. Quick facts about walking 10,000 steps Use a Pedometer:
For counting the number of steps that you have covered the best approach is to have a pedometer which can help you easily keep track of the distance you have covered throughout your day as well as the number of steps that you have taken.
(A pedometer is a small box-shaped calculator that you can clip to your belt or pants pocket in the same way you would wear a beeper.)
While purchasing for a pedometer, doubly ensure that you select a model that has both distance and well as individual step readings.
This will be helpful for you to learn how many steps go into one mile.

This article was first published in 2008 and now everyone is using fitbit to track their steps.
You can increase steps to your count choosing the stairs over the elevator or walking to your colleague’s desk rather than sending an email.
Calculate the Time it takes: Using either you pedometer or a counting method, calculate the approximate time it takes for you to traverse a specific distance, such as a mile.
Calculate this number several times on several different days and average the figures together.
You will then be able to determine approximately how long it will take you to walk a portion of your steps if you choose to spend a set amount of time walking them off.
For example, if you know that you can walk all 10,000 steps in an hour, then you can elect to dedicate an hour everyday to walking your steps.
But if spending 1 hr is not sufficient then break then you can add up increments of ten minutes at a time until you reach your goal.To break the monotony select two-three routes to follow, and do the measurement a Route Measure a route based on the time and distances it takes you to walk your 10,000 steps.
Go for a long route for days when you have a surfeit of energy, a short route for days when you are tired, and a mid-length route for days when you are energized but busy.
When I wrote this article a few years ago, fitbit was not on the market yet. Now I think most people use that instead of a pedometer.

Valerie Bertinelli is human and has gained some of that weight back. I loved her in Hot in Cleveland, sorry to see that show finish.

Valerie Bertinelli on Gaining Weight: ‘We Need to Take the Shame Out of It’

Valerie Bertinelli is the first to admit it: “I’ve gained a few pounds.”

Click hot link to read the article.

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