Celebrity Threesome Love Cheat trying to gag Google

Celebrity couple gag order google

Famous celebrity couple gag order want google to remove links naming them.

What famous celebrity couple, with a #superinjunction is trying to gag google now?
Allegedly they hired a security firm to get google to remove links online naming them.
The cheating celebrity couple, well actually only one of them cheated, at least in this story, so I feel bad that both names keep getting tossed around.

The identities of the couple have also remained under wraps in England and Wales where the Court of Appeal has granted an injunction banning the press from printing the names of the couple.

The English and Welsh media can only report that the man, named by the initials PJS (not his real initials), is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. The menage-a-trois was known to his married partner, known as YMA (also not his real initials), and the pair are in an open relationship.

According to British media, the mystery star was reportedly wading through a paddling pool of olive oil with the couple.

Judges in the Court of Appeal said PJS’s right to “private and family life” outweighed the Sun on Sundaynewspaper’s right to publish the article about the adultery under laws of freedom of expression, according to The Telegraph.

However, the couple have been named in US press and a Scottish publication, although even the name of theScottish newspaper cannot be identified in English-based publications because of the gagging order.

But it’s hard to keep a global secret so the news is out there if people know where to look.

Of course you landed on this website so you know we have the entire story with details and names right here.

It looks like they have succeeded in removing a bunch of links off the search results.

Google removes links on celebrity injunction couple

I should of taken a screen shot of the results yesterday! I keep thinking this gag order will be oveturned, but it has not happened yet.

Celebrity ‘threesome’ injunction court case to be heard on Friday


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